lunes, 10 de abril de 2023



List of Daily Routine Examples

  • wake up
  • have breakfast
  • brush your teeth
  • take a shower
  • take a bath
  • get dressed
  • go to school
  • study English
  • have lunch
  • wash the dishes
  • read a book
  • do your homework
  • cook dinner
  • go to bed
  • practice the guitar
  • play with friends
  • exercise
  • brush your hair
  • go shopping
  • go for a walk
  • take out the trash
  • clean the house
  • read the newspaper
  • surf the internet
  • water the plants
  • watch TV
  • relax
  • listen to music
  • do the laundry
  • iron the clothes
  • feed the dog
  • walk the dog
  • take a taxi


Los verbos compuestos en inglés, también conocidos como  phrasal verbs , son verbos compuestos por dos palabras, un adverbio y una preposici...