domingo, 9 de abril de 2023

100 Examples of Countable Nouns / 100 Examples of noncountable Nouns


100 Examples of Countable Nouns

This countable nouns list is just to give you a basic sense of what kinds of nouns there are, and which ones are countable. It is in no way exhaustive. So, these 100 examples of countable nouns should be used as a basic reference guide. 

  1. apple/apples
  2. orange/oranges
  3. cat/cats
  4. dog/dogs
  5. house/houses
  6. kitchen/kitchens
  7. table/tables
  8. book/books
  9. pen/pens
  10. pencil/pencils
  11. elephant/elephants
  12. carrot/carrots
  13. onion/onions
  14. garden/gardens
  15. noun/nouns
  16. verb/verbs
  17. chair/chairs
  18. train/trains
  19. bus/busses
  20. bike/bikes
  21. store/stores
  22. candy/candies
  23. bag/bags
  24. shirt/shirts
  25. sock/socks
  26. flower/flowers
  27. seed/seeds
  28. lake/lakes
  29. ocean/oceans
  30. animal/animals
  31. whale/whales
  32. fish/fish
  33. stream/streams
  34. cloud/clouds
  35. plant/plants
  36. cup/cups
  37. fork/forks
  38. spoon/spoons
  39. plate/plates
  40. straw/straws
  41. box/boxes
  42. bird/birds
  43. egg/eggs
  44. steak/steaks
  45. couch/couches
  46. light/lights
  47. door/doors
  48. room/rooms
  49. painting/paintings
  50. candle/candles
  51. apartment/apartments
  52. building/buildings
  53. purse/purses
  54. mirror/mirrors
  55. toilet/toilettes
  56. toothbrush/toothbrushes
  57. shower/showers
  58. towel/towels
  59. pool/pools
  60. lawn/lawns
  61. yard/yards
  62. ball/balls
  63. game/games
  64. kettle/kettles
  65. hoses /hoses
  66. phone/phones
  67. app/apps
  68. dollar/dollars
  69. cent/cents
  70. pound/pounds
  71. kilometer/kilometers
  72. mile/miles
  73. liter/liters
  74. hour/hours
  75. second/seconds
  76. month/months
  77. week/weeks
  78. day/days
  79. weekend/weekends
  80. holiday/holidays
  81. job/jobs
  82. salary/salaries
  83. tax/taxes
  84. scooter/scooters
  85. road/roads
  86. dream/dreams
  87. idea/ideas
  88. invention/inventions
  89. class/classes
  90. grade/grades
  91. brother/brothers
  92. sister/sisters
  93. aunt/aunts
  94. uncle/uncles
  95. cousin/cousins
  96. grandmother/grandmothers
  97. grandfather/grandfathers
  98. mother/mothers
  99. father/fathers
  100. child/children

100 Examples of Uncountable Nouns

These 100 examples of uncountable nouns can help give you a sense of what nouns are generally considered uncountable. Some of these nouns can be used as countable nouns occasionally, and in these instances, I have noted that beside the list item.

  1. Water
  2. Ice 
  3. Bread
  4. Cereal
  5. Jam
  6. Cheese
  7. Honey
  8. Milk
  9. Tea
  10. Wine
  11. Beer
  12. Coffee
  13. Music
  14. Science
  15. Love
  16. Fear
  17. Anger
  18. Hope
  19. Peace
  20. Chaos
  21. Patience
  22. Art
  23. Electricity
  24. Money
  25. Propane
  26. Gas
  27. Time
  28. News
  29. Patriotism
  30. Knowledge
  31. Faith
  32. Wisdom
  33. Youth (can be countable as well)
  34. Beauty
  35. Creativity
  36. Rice
  37. Salt
  38. Sugar
  39. Flour
  40. Grass
  41. Butter
  42. Pepper
  43. Work
  44. Recreation
  45. Travel
  46. Ice Cream
  47. Cake (can be countable as well)
  48. Soup 
  49. Alcohol
  50. Yogurt
  51. Air
  52. Evidence
  53. Weather
  54. Soap
  55. Chicken (the food)
  56. Beef
  57. Pork
  58. Ham
  59. Bacon
  60. Seafood
  61. Fish (the food)
  62. Lamb (the food)
  63. Salad (can be countable as well)
  64. Toast 
  65. Meat
  66. Pasta 
  67. Traffic
  68. Ketchup
  69. Mustard
  70. Mayonaise
  71. Blood
  72. Homework
  73. Data
  74. Gold (can be countable as well)
  75. Silver (can be countable as well)
  76. Bronze (can be countable as well)
  77. Cash
  78. Advice
  79. Assistance
  80. Furniture
  81. Fur (can be countable as well)
  82. Rain
  83. Wind 
  84. Tennis
  85. Golf
  86. Soccer
  87. Baseball (the game)
  88. Football (the game)
  89. Badminton
  90. Basketball (the game)
  91. Bocce
  92. Croquet
  93. Chess 
  94. Checkers
  95. Soil
  96. Dirt
  97. Mud
  98. Hay
  99. Fun
  100. Help


Los verbos compuestos en inglés, también conocidos como  phrasal verbs , son verbos compuestos por dos palabras, un adverbio y una preposici...