jueves, 9 de febrero de 2023



How do we make the Present Perfect tense?

The structure of the Present Perfect is:

subject+auxiliary have+main verb
conjugated in Present Simple 
have, haspast participle

The auxiliary verb (have) is conjugated in the Present Simple: have, has

The main verb is invariable in past participle form: -ed (or irregular)

For negative sentences we insert not between the auxiliary verb and the main verb.

For question sentences, we exchange the subject and the auxiliary verb ( El verbo auxiliar (have) se conjuga en el Presente Simple: have, hasEl verbo principal es invariable en forma de participio pasado: -ed (o irregular)Para oraciones negativas no insertamos entre el verbo auxiliar y el verbo principal.Para las oraciones de pregunta, intercambiamos el sujeto y el verbo auxiliar). 

Look at these example sentences with the Present Perfect tense:

 subjectauxiliary verb main verb 
+Ihave seenET.
+Youhave eatenmine.
-Shehasnotbeento Rome.
?Haveyou finished? 
?Havethey doneit?

When we use the Present Perfect in speaking, we often contract the subject and auxiliary verb. We also sometimes do this in informal writing. (Cuando usamos el Presente Perfecto para hablar, a menudo contraemos el sujeto y el verbo auxiliar. A veces también hacemos esto por escrito informal). 

I haveI've
You haveYou've
He has
She has
It has
John has
The car has
The car's
We haveWe've
They haveThey've

In negative sentences, we may contract the auxiliary verb and "not":

  • You haven't won the contest.
  • She hasn't heard from him.
He's or he's??? Be careful! The 's contraction is used for the auxiliary verbs have and be. For example, "It's eaten" can mean:
  • It has eaten. (Present Perfect tense, active voice)
  • It is eaten. (Present Simple tense, passive voice)
It is usually clear from the context.

Present Perfect for experience

We often use the Present Perfect to talk about experience from the past. We are not interested in when you did something. We only want to know if you did it:

have seen an alien.
He has lived in Bangkok.
Have you been there?
We have never eaten caviar.
The action or state was in the past.In my head, I have a memory now.

For and Since with Present Perfect tense

We often use for and since with perfect tenses:

  • We use for to talk about a period of time: five minutes, two weeks, six years
  • We use since to talk about a point in past time: 9 o'clock, 1st January, Monday
a period of timea point in past time
- - - - - - - - - - - -- • - - - - - - - - - -
20 minutes6.15pm
three daysMonday
6 monthsJanuary
4 years1994
2 centuries1800
a long timeI left school
everthe beginning of time

Look at these example sentences using for and since with the Present Perfect tense:

  • I have been here for twenty minutes.
  • I have been here since 9 o'clock.
  • John hasn't called for six months.
  • John hasn't called since February.
  • He has worked in New York for a long time.
  • He has worked in New York since he left school.    PUEDEN REALIZAR EL SIGUIENTE TEST DE MANERA OPCIONAL A MODO DE PRACTICA:
  • https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verb-tenses_present-perfect_quiz.htm


Los verbos compuestos en inglés, también conocidos como  phrasal verbs , son verbos compuestos por dos palabras, un adverbio y una preposici...