jueves, 23 de febrero de 2023


How to Have a Stay at Home Picnic


Choose your location wisely

Picking the perfect spot for your stay at home picnic is one of the most important steps. If you have a backyard or an outdoor space, we’d recommend setting up there. Otherwise, choose somewhere close to natural light and windows. This way you can help mimic the experience of a picnic in the park.

Set the scene

Just because you’re moving your picnic indoors doesn’t mean you can forget about the picnic blanket! Get everything together that you would for any other picnic – a blanket,  a basket, reusable plates, and cutlery. Next, use your plants to create the feeling of being in the great outdoors by gathering up all your plants from around your home and surround your indoor picnic area with beautiful greenery! Plus, you could always pop on some nature sounds for that extra little touch.

Make stations

One of the benefits of having a picnic in the comfort of your home is that you have more space to work with. Use that space to your advantage and set up stations for the different aspects of your picnic like iced tea, salad, and snack stations!

Choose the right food

You don’t have a table in front of you when picnicking so choose foods that don’t involve too much mess, can be made individually, and can be eaten with your hands. 


Los verbos compuestos en inglés, también conocidos como  phrasal verbs , son verbos compuestos por dos palabras, un adverbio y una preposici...